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Every fortnight current Team Durham cricket players will update this blog and share their stories and give an insight to what it is like training at a MCC Centre of Excellence.

The Durham MCC University programme provides male and female students with the opportunity to combine academic and sporting excellence. Durham has helped to develop over 40 Test and County Cricketers. Household names include England Captain's Nasser Hussain and Andrew Strauss and England Internationals, James Foster, Alex Loudon and Caroline Atkins. Durham was the first MCC University to be established and is now one of six programmes throughout England and Wales. In addition we are just one of four universities to have First Class County Cricket status and compete against at least three County sides every season.

Thursday 17 March 2011

Welcome to the new Team Durham Cricket Blog!

Welcome to the new Team Durham Cricket blog.  This blog provides an opportunity for current Team Durham cricket players to share their experiences of combining studying at Durham University and playing the first MCC University to be established, one of six programmes throughout England and Wales and one of only four university teams to have First Class County Cricket status and compete against at least three County sides every season. 

Every fortnight current Team Durham cricket players will update this blog and share their stories and give an insight to what it is like training at a MCC Centre of Excellence.  

Durham has helped to develop over 40 Test and County Cricketers. Household names include England Captain's Nasser Hussain and Andrew Strauss and England Internationals, James Foster, Alex Loudon and Caroline Atkins.

To find out more about Durham University Cricket Club Centre of Excellence visit: http://www.teamdurham.com/universitysport/universityclubs/cricket.mens/clubcontacts/cricket/

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