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Every fortnight current Team Durham cricket players will update this blog and share their stories and give an insight to what it is like training at a MCC Centre of Excellence.

The Durham MCC University programme provides male and female students with the opportunity to combine academic and sporting excellence. Durham has helped to develop over 40 Test and County Cricketers. Household names include England Captain's Nasser Hussain and Andrew Strauss and England Internationals, James Foster, Alex Loudon and Caroline Atkins. Durham was the first MCC University to be established and is now one of six programmes throughout England and Wales. In addition we are just one of four universities to have First Class County Cricket status and compete against at least three County sides every season.

Thursday 24 March 2011

Caroline Jamieson: Why did you choose to come to Durham University?

“I choose to study at Durham University due to its good reputation and the fact that I would be able to continue my cricket commitments with Durham County whilst participating in the university set up. I am studying Business Economics and there are very few universities in the UK who offer this course, so my initial choice was restricted any way. Having had Durham recommended to me by friends who have been here and the appeal of the collegiate system, I decided Durham was the place I wanted to go.

I opted to be part of the Centre of Excellence as I wanted to develop my cricket and saw this training as the ideal opportunity to do so. Furthermore one of my team mates for county was part of the centre when she was at Durham and said that it is a very beneficial thing to do. I haven't been able to make full use of the opportunity as last term a previous knee injury reoccurred and this curtailed my training and then this term a badly twisted ankle prevented any training for a month. However, now fully back to fitness I am attending all sessions and believe my cricket has benefited from this. I fully intend to do the Centre of Excellence next year and now over the injury problems hope to be able to fully participate in it.”
Caroline Jamieson, Women's Cricket Team 2011

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